Where do I begin-----first off----Thank YOU---in a BIG WAY---to all of my lovelies that have been keeping tabs on me----and my communications slackerness----wellllll---I guess that would be putting it mildly----I had basically fell off the face of the 'electronic' world----I am back now as you can see and I am anxious---so very anxious---to catch up with all of you----it's gonna happen too -----betcha your saying G-R-E-A-T right now----careful what cha wish forrrrr! LOL I am looking forward to a turning of the PAGE as it were and heading my silly self right into 2009---I miss you all so very much as I was drowning in the sights and sounds of keeping the holidays SIMPLE for me and my family and it worked its magic on me-----I am doing fine and I have a new found sense of where I am AT in this world-----I cannot tell you how appreciative I am of the love bugs who kept me going regularly with your sweet notes---Doreen, Peanut, Brenda, Super Mo, Stace, Karen Susie, Carla and the many others from my two groups and beyond who have sent well wishes to me and my family----you guys make me smile----and it makes me strong----I love you guys!
ON THE FLIP SIDE: My Vike-Queens won yesterday by the skin of their noses---lucky for them or I'd be making a road trip to Winter Park to help them ALL clear their CRAP out of their lockers-----and it wouldn't have been pretty----a big sigh of relief could be heard across the Metro because of THAT---man oh MAN---teehee---cracked a molar yesterday in the excitement so I will be sending them a dental bill for that----nothing like taking one for the TEAM I dare say! Mr. Berrian---you da MAN--- and Mr. Adrian Pederson---we gots to get you to hang onto that ball better bud---Travarias---you ROCK---and Mr. Jared Allen we could of seen you get a bit more into the game---git the quarterback git the quarterback and earn your KEEP slacker!
Oh and coach----you may want to start wearing a cap---YIKES!
BTW---I am working this week---lots to do---so look for me in Humble Arts and Ebay---