Well---the day has finally come for our little Ali girl---she graduated from Blaine High School last night---class of 2009. While I sat in the audiance and saw the 'sea' of blue come down from the Field House onto the seated area---frantically looking to find where she was to get a snap shot of time---I didn't want to do it---I promised myself I wasn't gonna do it---but I did---I got all choked up at the Pomp and Circumstance of it all--my BABY IS GRADUATING!!!--all 678 students dressed to the 9's standing in perfect rows---many of them I have come to know and love as the little brothers and sisters of peeps who graduated with my older ones or through the years that Ali has been involved in activities and community things----oh---and NO KLEENEX to be had in any pocket or in my purse---good one Renee! The Concert Choir sang 'Lullabye' and then the flood gates opened up----my shoulders were bouncing up and down and I could barely see through my tear swollen eyes----not only does this mark a milestone in her life---it truly marked her Dad and I-----it was like yesterday when I was washing her popsicle sticky face and saying our prayers together at night on the side of her little bed----the memories came rushing back of what fun it has been to have her around and watch her grow into the fine young woman that she is today-----I am very proud of her and her accomplishments---she is a shining star and will continue to light her surroundings with her infectious smile----She will be going to college in the Fall and is planning to become something in the Radiology field (yet to be determined). In the mean time----we are happy to have her here to empty the dishwasher, sweep the front entry and give Joe a 'run for his money' with her uncanny wit and humor (she is relentless with him)---FOREVER if need be!!! LOL I Love you Alexandra Jo and my wish for you is that you continue to Fly Butiful Baby----- FLY!!!! Mom