Contrary to what people may say about the Vikings loss---I for one am very proud of them---it is soooo easy for all of us to sit and scrutinize each and every play---each mistake as if they (the Viking players) were the stupidest people on the planet---Cracks me up to realize that obviously he was a FORCE to be reconned with as they double teamed him on every play---I have to say that I enjoyed each and every minute watching them play from the start of the season to the end. As sad as I am that they didn't win--I am sitting here relishing in the fantastic season they did have. It wasn't just about my cutie patootie Brett Favre--as I am in love with several others on the team---it was about the whole team and what HE did to bring great chemistry and spirit to MN. He made that team rise to the occassion by giving it their all---no matter what---I watched the game in horror to see him get laid out 15 times or more HARD on the ground---I watched his wife and daughter in the stands being upset whenever that would happen---he is in my estimation one of the BEST athletes and QB's EVER---I care not what anyone says about him waivering on coming back or not---he has that right and he has TOTALLY earned that in my opinion--he works so hard each and every game and puts his heart and soul into it---he has built up a HUGE offense and allowed that to be very deep by giving numerous players the opportunities to move the ball. Obviously the best two teams are going to the BIG DANCE---and that is how it should be--those two teams were top of their divisions throughout the season and our loss last night by 3 points proves that we were in line for that to happen--it was a hard game to watch--but I am proud of them and very proud of Brett Favre---Hold your heads up MN---He'll be back---I just KNOW it! It breaks my heart to see how beat up he got----oh---and BTW--- 40 year olds are NOT dead---they just get better with age and have alot more patience with the ball---TRUE THAT!