Howdy all you blogger friends----here is a picture from my latest adventure---we went home this weekend--partly to see my family and partly to look in on our lake place that we are having some structural issues with currently----and to some that don't know where 'home' is for me---Northern Minnesota---Joe and me and the kidlets live in Minneapolis and my childhood 'home' where the rest of my family lives is 3.5 hours north of us. On a bike it seems like alot longer---and it is----I am hoping to be able to walk and talk in full sentences some time today!---that would be nice---as you can see by the background we did get caught in the rain---and that picture was taken on the fly by Joes brother and his wife who we met up with on the way up there---taken from and I-Phone while doin 65mph--skin flappin in the wind-----technology totally blows my mind! and however, there is not a whole lot of editing one can do to get that 'skin flappin' under control--LOL---You all take care and thanks for poppin in on me----Dad is doing alot better every day and the cabin---well--let's not even go there---it is falling off of the footings and is going to be quite the project to get it back up where it belongs---it is 7 years old and is a split log place on the lake---breaks my heart to see it in such distress----story of my life though for some odd reason recently---absolutely! Oh--and my hair---it is like one big DREADLOCK--there is not enough conditioner in this town to get that tangled mess taken care of!
theres no photo...at least on my end..:)
Thanks Gina Bean---I don't know why that happened--hope it is good now---
Glad you are deciding to stay in group---I saw that in your newsletter and was happy to read that!
It's looks like you are having fun! The hair forget it; go with the moment. The cabin; would love to see pictures of it, no matter what the condition.
Aw Renee.... What a great photo. You guys look like you are havin a great time. Its been a while..... I hope all is well with you.
Blessings Maggie =)
Cedar Hill Rustics
Wow.. I have lost touch with my blogging GFs!!! I have been spending much time on facebook, catching up with old friends and new ones :) Love the pic and am happy you are finding time with your honey to ride~~~ I've been barely coasting on eBay and need to start crafting more when the kiddos go to school... I simply have not had the desire nor been in the mood this summer. Take care and pop in when ya can ~~~ Love ya, Carla
I used to love to be on the bike and still miss it. Only good that comes of it, it pushes all the wrinkles back for a few hours. LOL Bad thing is so does everything else.(<>) LOL
Hope you can get the cabin fixed and Dad is doing better. This is wonderful news. Life is a roller coaster and most days I want off this thing. But then there would be no highs either!
Omg! skin flappin! I was really laughing out loud when I read that!
You are one hot mama Renee! Are those high heeled boots with those torn boot cut jeans?! I've been wanting me a pair of those and can't seem to find any that look good on my behind and God help us to see me walk in any kind of heel. Practice?
Love the shot - and nothing like a nice road trip to blow out the cobwebs. Gurrrrl... tell me you have a sissy bar on that backside tho, otherwise I dont know how you do it! lol
wish we were closer to ride together!
Hey Renee! That's a GREAT picture! Hope you've had a wonderful summer! Didn't it zoom by and a million miles an hour! Can you believe Little Falls is right around the corner, YIKES!!! Can't wait to see you there. Miss you! Hugs!
Hey all you's guys and thank you for stopping by and leaving me such fabulous notes---I love you guys---and I miss you all mre than I could ever tell ya---I am just trying to get back slowly but surely to doing some of the things that makes me Renee---crazed crafter that I am---I rereshed my blog a bit---listed some items---and my last thing to do--certainly not least--is get back into the swing of blogging and touching bases with all of my blog buds---oh and email my peeps back who are worried I tripped into the abyss---teehee---don't be surprised if I show up on your blog doorstep--and soon!
I hope you didn't have lip gloss on in that 65 mph wind!! Heehee!!
Great pic!!
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