It was merely by chance...a glance from a dear friends face that caught my attention. I went to Vollyball, like I do every Monday night. It was playoffs for Championships...a flury of fun to say the least---we won and after the game we all sat and giggled about certain things that had happened during the game. I looked over at my friend whom I have known for over 12 years and she is an awesome person as well as a player. Kind of heart and willing to help anyone in need ALWAYS. She didn't look as happy as we all were. I asked her if she was ok---never did I even for one second prepare myself for what she had to say. You see, she and her husband had been struggling financially for a while. We didn't even know it. To no fault of their own---it was a number of circumstances beyond their control that caused this to happen to them. She began to cry---now---knowing her as I do---I have never seen her like this in all those years----she told me that she didn't know what she was going to do about Christmas---her children are 6 and 8yrs old---and they still believe in Santa---it broke my heart to hear her telling me this----Well----I gave her a big OLE HUG and told her that she could just take that off of her plate---and that it was going to be taken care of---I felt her shoulders drop as I was hugging her as a great wave of relief came across her. I put out the word---to everyone in all of my circles---and I am happy to report that the out pouring of help was amazing to me---and humbled me to believe myself---to believe that there is truly indeed a Santa out there and that by the Grace of God he crossed my path with her sad eyes----we are getting them their gifts this next week and going to try to swing enough to buy her some groceries---much needed groceries I am told. So my Christmas wish---and my biggest wish to date is that you all take the time to open your heart and your eyes to see and hear and feel someones pain that is around you---to know where there is hurt and to be there to help as best as you can---the circle always completes itself---it absolutely does----and in this time of great celebration of the birth of Jesus---let us all remember---let us all remember that we have all been in the depths of despair from one time or another---and the simplest of things to us---can mean the World to someone in need. Bless you all this Holiday Season and Enjoy!
Thursday, December 8, 2011
Monday, November 14, 2011
HUGE SALE on My Yummy WARM Mittens!
I think I may have fallen off of the crafters wagon with this one! Seems I can't stop making these mittens and I have a bit of an overstock! So I am offering these at a Buy One Get One FREE through my BirchBerry Farms Etsy Shoppe! These are recycled upcycled and repurposed wool with matching polar fleece linings and are super warm and luxurious----a GREAT Christmas gift and you can keep one pair for yourself!!! Hurry in for best selection as the sale is only running for a short time! I also have been working hard on some new dolls and Winter/Christmas items in both Etsy Shops---so do check that out! Happy Holidays to you all and enjoy this beautiful Fall we have been having! Always, Renee :-)
Wednesday, October 5, 2011
Just Listed on WSOAPP Market Street
Hi everyone---yes---why yes my pretties---it has been a LONG time since you have seen the likes of me around these parts! Busy Summer for me and I am just getting done with my job at the Garden & Landscape Center----I loved every minute of being there---It is an awesome thing when you work with people who enjoy doing what they do and it shows---besides---who could ever be cranky around beautiful waterfalls, plants and impeccable landscaping----NO ONE!! LOL Here are a couple of sets that I listed on the WSOAPP site---just finishing up with Halloween for the season---put alot of focus on the shop here in town and also a bit more on Etsy as well----things are going fabulously! Happy Fall everyone--- I am glad I am back! Look for me to be listing more items soon---I have a TON of Vinitage items that are going on my Birchberry Vintage Etsy site and some Shabby items that will be listed on my WhiteBirch Boutique Etsy site very soon----I also have some great deals on my soap in Birchberry Farms on Etsy---5 for $20 and 3 for $12 on the 6oz size of allllll the scents! The new Fall scents are to die for!!!
Friday, May 6, 2011
So Proud of My Buttercup!
Just a little driveby wave---you all know how I like to show off my latest creations---well this particular one I made over 20 years ago and she continues to fascinate me----I am so very proud of her and her accomplishments---as I am with each and every one of my kids of course---however, with her being the youngest---it is her turn to shine---so I am throwing her in the spotlight here. She has been picked up by a major talent agency in St. Paul/New York and has started to do some pretty cool modeling work----Joe and I love to watch her and actually look like two hill billies standing on the outter parimeters looking in at all of it and marveling----I have been intrigued with her sense of 'not getting wrapped up' in the hype that sometimes follows this line of profession---she is totally grounded about this and is as kind and sweet as the day is long----I love you Ali Girl!
HAPPY MOTHERS DAY to all of you and my wishes sent out are for a lovely breakfast in bed and some flowers and chocolates and that the sun is shining allllllll day long!!!
Thursday, April 28, 2011
Big Time Bummer!
Just to let those of you who don't know---I lost my Dad this past week from complications around having knee surgery. He died on Palm Sunday in the hospital and will be missed dearly----I was very close to him and I am at Peace with his passing---it is just gonna be hard to get used to him being gone as I talked to him regularly. My life will be forever altered by this. I wanted to take this opportunity to say a big THANK YOU to all of you who wrote me with well wishes----it is a great comfort to feel that loved and I am grateful to have such wonderful people in my circle of life----charmed beyond belief I say----
This is a photo of my immediate familly with Grandma smack dab in between---I am so proud of each and every one of my children---they handled the passing of their Grandfather with Grace and great respect.
This is a photo of my immediate familly with Grandma smack dab in between---I am so proud of each and every one of my children---they handled the passing of their Grandfather with Grace and great respect.
Monday, April 11, 2011
Cement Eggs--Very Tres Chic
Well I did it---I went and made some cement eggs for the Shop (Round Barn Potting Company) here in town----and honestly---I thought I was in Heaven! With the help from my sweet husband---we put together these large eggs and some small ones too----it was a true test of our relationship during this process as both of us had our own SEPERATE ideas of how this was all gonna work---me, of course, on the crafty fly by the seat of my pants side---and him, Mr. Cement worker, smooth cool and very calculated----I went to the $ store and got the plastic eggs, filled them up with a special mixture and viola---the hardest part was waiting for them to dry thoroughly before taking them out of the molds----patience TRULY is a virtue on this project my little chicadees! These guys weigh around 7 lbs. and are smoothed slightly flat on the bottom for easy sittin' ---as you can see by one of the pictures it is inside of a regular size door wreath to give you an idea of its size. 'Feather Your Nest' is a reflection of Hope~Peace~Faith and the thoughts of feathering your nest with all of those attributes.
We are getting ready for a HUGE Junk Market Show at the shop this coming weekend---I am all a flutter about it as I have made some really fun and simple lower priced French Inspired Goodies for the show---Lori has done a fabulous job setting up the new vinettes and it really does have a Euro feel to it and is absolutely a treasure trove of fabulous items---pop in there and see some of the new photos---she is always updating so it is really fun to check in there and see whats shakin bacon----ENJOY!
Tuesday, April 5, 2011
Ohhhh-La-Laaaaaaa Created from Burlap BUNNY!
Well Happy Spring-O-Rama to all of you this fine Tuesday! I just listed this Burlap Bunny---and I have to tell ya she was an adventure to make! In keeping with the way that burlap works it was a bit of a nightmare to get her small pieces turned and stuffed without taking a trip or two to the funny farm---but we got 'er DONE and she is in my BirchBerry Farms Etsy! She was made from a vintage coffee bean sack and has PURPLE writing down her side---only on one side---I did that on purpose that way----kind of artsy fartsy look----she was stuffed with raw wool and is weighted onm the bottom---cool aqua blue glass eyes and button jointed arms----WAY Farmhouse Shabby Chic!----I am bringing 3 up to the shop today----my last of the Easter items----so if you are interested in her and she happens to get snagged off of Etsy to email me and I will see what is left at the Round Barn Potting Co. I also am kicking around making her into a pattern---I think I may be biting off more than I can chew as there is so much detail and directions and instructions---still working on that one in my teeny little brain---I will let cha's know if that materializes---Have a Happy Day and go outside to play if it is nice in your neck of the woods---it is here today and I am in LOVE that our birds are BACK! Don't freeeeget to feed them---long trip home---probably starving--poor things!
Wednesday, March 16, 2011
Saturday, March 12, 2011
A Shabby Cottage Low Boy I Just Had to Show Off!
I just got done with two pieces of furniture for the Round Barn Potting Co. I was simply delighted to have the chance to work on my passion---which is turning old into new again---I did a small hutch in cream that came in two parts and this sweet and heavy low-boy----which was a MESS when I first got it and needed alot of work to get it fixed up---in fact, I almost didn't want to tackle it----but it beckoned me to make it purdy once again---it has a white sanded shabby finish with slate gray heavy sanded drawer fronts---the top 3 drawers are a lighter shade of gray to which I decoupaged French Script and torn love letters to the face fronts and sealed it---I had purchased some new brushed metal drabby silver handle pulls---which were a bit on the 'spendy' side---upon getting them home---after several trips to different places to find the best ones---I discovered that they totally threw the look of the cabinet off----so I got my handy dandy can of white spray paint out and painted the original ones that were on there to begin with----ahhhhhhh I LOVE when that happens----time well spent! The piece looks so much better in person and has a real Seaside Cottage look to it---and I am happy to report that I am very pleased with its overall appearance and soft subtle tone----Enjoy!
Monday, February 14, 2011
Happy Valentines Day My Sweet Tarts! Here's My Newest Girlie!
Boy it seems like forever since I have posted---thought I would introduce you to my newest creation----Her name is Katherine and I have been working on her for quite some time now---3 weeks to be exact! She is my first Fine Art Doll of the year as it has been a bit since I have ventured down that road---I am listing her on Ebay tonite. Her head is paperclay and she is wearing a dress that I made out of a vintage pillowcase. I crackled her and stained and sealed her as well---her arms are wired and she is what I would call Simple Country Cottage as she is a little shabby as well. Don't mind the awful picture I took of her---I will be taking better ones for her listing---I JUST finished her and could HARDLY wait to share her with you all. Have a fabulously FUN Loving Valentines Day!!! PS. I also listed new items on and Birchberry Farms on Etsy as well as White Birch Boutique on Etsy!!!
Friday, January 14, 2011
MITTENS are ALL on SALE in Etsy!!
Mitten Mitten---who's got the mittens---well I DO ya Silly! I bet you are wondering why so many---welllll this winter started here rather early this year and it is so bitterly cold out that I just had to make more---I typically don't make them so late in the season, but I just couldn't resist! There are many to choose from and at a great clearance price and they are all listed in Etsy---and there is a surprise listing in there as well! ENJOY! Have a great weekend peeps---I am a free woman---hubbens went Ice Fishing with the fellas and I am going to play all weekend long! ttfn
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Why is Some Handmade Soap More Expensive Than Others?
This is my Mom and my Grandma----two people who are/were very influential in my soap making endeavor. I make soap the very similar to th...

In Honor of my new line of soaps and lotion I am having a BLOG party to kick it off!!! YEA---I am giving away 1--8oz bottle of my New Sweet ...
You can hear that over and over again and it just sits there in your brain---yea yea yea you think----I, personally have never SAT and count...