You will never hear about my political views on this blog---I grew up in a very political family---so in saying that---I am very moved by our Country right now and the FAITH and GREAT HOPE for Prosperity is set on the shoulders of our 44th President--that is being sworn in today---I am so very very proud to be an AMERICAN---God Bless this great Nation of ours and God Bless our new First Family!
Hi Sweets. His speech made my cry today!!!
Things are looking up!
What's for dinner tonight? We are having spaghetti :)
My thoughts exactly...God Bless our New President and Family and
'God Bless America'...
My Best...Marilyn
I am loving every minute of it !!!
You know I loved it....I have been so moved the past 2 days that I have to carry around tissues with me...I never thought I would live to see this day...God Bless America.
It was a great day in our country's history yesterday----the years of service my family put forth in the political 'scene' made me smile---and it also made me feel like I like such a part of all of that---now it is off to work for Mr. Obama---he will aspire---of this I know...
hi renne! I tagged you on my blog, if you like to stop over and get the imfo!!
Sure wish we were still this happy! Dark days ahead for us! Love U Sue
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