Today---unlike any other ordinary day---I had an MRI---they got me to cram this 6 ft. One hundred and bladdy bladdy pound body into this really tiny tube---okay maybe not tiny, but it reminded me of the days of making tunnels in the snow---I am soooo passed all of that----I was doing great---hummin' right along I would say---until they said okay, here we go---it started to make these really loud funky noises---I had head phones on too---and I was listening to my favorite radio station---who could hear it over all of that NOISE?----I heard it stop and was like WHEWWWW---only to hear the nurse say---are you okay??? we can't get a good non-blurry picture of you---apparently I was breathing like I just ran the 20K marathon that I am NEVER going to do BTW----wellll---I am thinking--you got me pinned down---laying on top of my shoulder that is sore---you have my arm and my hand tucked under my butt and I am supposed to lay still for 15 minutes---which I say it was more like 2 hours---but who's really keeping track of that---I am in so much pain at this point I may have to pea in my pants and you are asking me if I am alright---NOPE--the answer would be No----then I get my pictures on this wonderful CD to take home with me and show the grand kids some day of my heroing MRI experience and I notice, they don't even have my good side---and what the heck---how can I make Christmas cards outta these? Cruel WORLD I'm thinkin'!