I am leaving this morning to go home for Easter and just wanted to tell all of you to have a Wonderfully Blessed Easter with your Family and Loved ones----and eat as many Jelly Beans as you can possibly fit in your mouth---OR Chocolate Bunnies--or Peeps---or---Malted Milk Eggs with that really cool shell covering that can turn your lips BLUE!!!!----LOVE them too! Talk to ya's when i get back home here to the big city! XXOO, Renee
Yay for a fun Easter!! Ook so I was looking at your blog, and listening to your music and I just wanted you to know that I ABSOLUTELY adore the Lighthouse's Tale...the first time I heard it, Sandy was playing it on her guitar and I told her it was the most awful yet beautiful song I had ever heard! So YEAH just thought you needed to know that haha!
Hi Miss Amb--it was the best easter EVER!!!!!----yes--that sums up the Lighthouse song perfectly I would say---tragic yet love the sound---there's a name for that and it elludes me right now---that's odd--something elluding me--old age I guess! Hey---are you back home yet?
hmm...I'm afaid I have NO idea what word you're trying to think of. I think you're making up things again...
by home do you mean school? if so, then yes, I'm back tacking the mountain of homework that seems to accumulate the moment I set foot back on campus!
just saw the new stuff you put up..love the doll riding the horse!
Thank You Miss Amb---I think the word is STUPID---let's just go with that----Glad you made it back to school with out a hitch---did your Dad get his electric done?
ummm that would be a big fat NO to the whole electrical issues...apparently I still don't have lights in my room. I think its time to find a new house...
OR a new Dad----HMMM? LOL---I wonder what the dealio is with that? Your poor Pa---if it is not one thing, it is another! Love you!
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