Awwwwww---You Made My Day----To My Super Tech friend Sara from Graphic Pretties and My Sweet Tart Cookie from Curds & Whey---if I were you two girlies I would be shakin' a big ole stick at that Miss Renee---she REALLY needs to get her POOP in a group---for cryin' out loud----However, might need to tell ya---there really is a method to all of my madness and as soon as I figure it out you all will be the first to know!!!!! Honestly though, I am in much appreciation for all that you two mean to me---I am blessed beyond words to know you and to call you friends----besides that---I really like stoppin' by from time and again to visit and share a yuck or two---oh and coffee with that wonderful creamer we all love!
So I am passing the torch onto these next FABULOUS people----I love all of you's guys!
Here are my People I am passing this honor on to~~~~~
Maggie from Cedar Hill Rustics
Sam from GollyWobbles
Melissa from Idjutsister
Shell from Kissingfish
Pea from PeaPickers Prims
Cindy from Pywackit Prims
Marcy from Raggedy Kinfolk
Brenda from RustyCreek Prims
Lisa from Your NeedfulThings
Lynnie from AddieHattie Prims
AAAAWWWW sweetie what a wonderful surprise!!! I thank you so much for the award.... but really you make my day.... always!! You are so funny and if there is a day that goes by without your witty post in the group it is like a day without sunshine. Truly you are a great friend and inspiration to us all. Wish someday we could actually meet and have coffee together. Thanks for your kind words about Violet too. I wish she would find a home but if she doesn't I guess I will just keep her. hehehe!!!
Blessings hon......
Maggs---you are just about as good as good can be---that little Violet of yours is so dang pretty it just kills me!!!!
I am so blessed to have all of you in my circle---well---ya just don't even know---it's truly a wonderful thing that we all have each other---and one of these days my dear---don't you be surprised if I show up in sunny NM with a cup of coffee in one hand and my favorite creamer in the other! X's & O's ALWAYS, Me
Renee Thank You!!!
That was awefully sweet of you! I just wanted to say that I check your Blog often and always get a laugh...I wish I could be that funny...my blog is pretty boring, but I try! And if you are heading to NM you have to do a round about trip and pick me up in the panel wagon before heading to Maggie's!!
Hey Renee, you are soooooo sweet! Thank you for the honor, and I want a ride in the panel wagon with Maggie and Shelley.
Oh, and don't forget the pink cupcakes!
Thank you very much, Renee. You are a sweetheart. It's really hard to say what drew me to WSOAPP, but I am so happy that it happened. You are one of the most kind-hearted and inspiring people I have ever met. I want in on that trip, too. It will be an awesome day when we all get together! Sylvia Browne! I am crazy about her!
Thanks again,
Hi Girlie BOPS----here I am---we are soooooo going to all head on down to Maggs place in the station wagon---I just brought it down to the service station for some flame decals down the side and some super detailing---so we are good to go---we better pick up Brenda Bean too---and Lynnie---aww heck---I'll just hook up the pop up trailer--I'll drive slow--and we can take everyone!!! HUGE idea!
You guys---ya mean the WORLD to me and that is no kiddin! I love our group---and I couldn't be happier with the new martini bar---helps to have those bean bag chairs in case anyone falls down---not that that would happen--but it could!
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