Today---unlike any other ordinary day---I had an MRI---they got me to cram this 6 ft. One hundred and bladdy bladdy pound body into this really tiny tube---okay maybe not tiny, but it reminded me of the days of making tunnels in the snow---I am soooo passed all of that----I was doing great---hummin' right along I would say---until they said okay, here we go---it started to make these really loud funky noises---I had head phones on too---and I was listening to my favorite radio station---who could hear it over all of that NOISE?----I heard it stop and was like WHEWWWW---only to hear the nurse say---are you okay??? we can't get a good non-blurry picture of you---apparently I was breathing like I just ran the 20K marathon that I am NEVER going to do BTW----wellll---I am thinking--you got me pinned down---laying on top of my shoulder that is sore---you have my arm and my hand tucked under my butt and I am supposed to lay still for 15 minutes---which I say it was more like 2 hours---but who's really keeping track of that---I am in so much pain at this point I may have to pea in my pants and you are asking me if I am alright---NOPE--the answer would be No----then I get my pictures on this wonderful CD to take home with me and show the grand kids some day of my heroing MRI experience and I notice, they don't even have my good side---and what the heck---how can I make Christmas cards outta these? Cruel WORLD I'm thinkin'!
Well now....doesn't that sound like a wonderful day!!I hope the testing came out okay for ya!!
YUP----I just shared that silly story because if it is gonna rain on me---well she usually comes down in buckets---it is the story that makes me me----Thank you Stacey for the kind words---meee toooo---I hope like heck that it comes out good!
I think you could fall in a bucket of 'doo and make us all laugh about it in your stories!
Here's hoping and praying you are on the mend and never have to experience that torture again!!
Hi Cookie----I fall in a bucket of DOO daily--and someimes even when I am not even aware of it----heeheehee----so how the heck are ya? Gosh I sure do love that 'Chigger'---she is absolutely gorgeous!
I was wondering if I could get an 8x10 glossy of that picture? I think it would look just boo-tiful framed haha!! just kidding of course!
Oh Smarty Arty---it is already on its way to you---framed and all---and the lips are 'pinked in'---it is all the rage ya know---MRI pics for all my friends---who's kid are you anyways??? I shipped overnight as well! Do you have a place of HONOR for that?
ya know..recently there has been some dispute to who I actually belong to..and everytime I'm home, I can't help but notice the striking resemblance between me and the mailman..hmm..things I wonder about!
and yes, I do have a place of honor for it..right next to the construction paper horse that Claire made for me..hows that for honor?!
That Claire---she is wellll before her time----mini Picaso they say---KEWL----hey did you see your link---part of it is in honor of your G-Pa----as dorky as HE is!
Hope your test are ok and you are good to go. In the mean time
Tell us 5 things about yourself.
Blessings Maggie
Hello! I came across your blogt oday and I think it's just wonderful. I will certainly be back to look some more. I was wondering if you would like to exchange links with us? We are always looking for great prim blogs to list on our website. Please let me know! You can find us @ http://blog.littlehousemercantile.com/blog-directory.php
Have a wonderful week ahead!
Oh sweetie that stinks. I didn't know you were 6ft. really? Wow now I feel really short.. LOL
Go peek at my blog sweetie. You might find something there to make ya smile.
Welll Howdy Little House Merchantile----and great to meet you!----you guys are wonderful---I went into your site this morning---OMG---nothin like bein a little lacks a daisy Miss Renee---good golly miss molly---anywhooooo---Jules---love all of the tips on networking---we ALL could use that---techno---I am NOT---have a desire to be---just am not quite with it yet---OH MAN!
Renee, I pray that your test results come back fine. I, also, did not realize you were 6 feet tall... GEEPERS!! You are nearly a foot taller than me! I have always wished I could be just a tad taller... for jeans to fit me better, to reach that all important can of whatever on the top shelves at the grocery stores and in my own pantry... Let's not mention having to sit on top of the steering wheel so I can reach the gas pedal ROFL!! *sending prayers your way* :)
Awwww---thanks Carla---I will be fine---seems I tore my Rotator Cuff---yep---and to think I have been complaining to the doc since October, YIKES! My sister calls me freakishly tall---which I am not,--in the grand scheme of things! LOL I hate to tell you this, but that reaching of the can on the top shelf is pretty fun---takes me an extra length of time at the grocery store---I have a problem helping all sorts of other height impaired people reach the top can as well! Who figured?
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