Tuesday, December 15, 2009
The Pattern is Coming on Etsy!!!!
Thursday, December 10, 2009
My Sister Should Have Been a Writer!

Okay---I pipe off at the slightest of conundrums---of this I know--but I have to tell you guys---my sister Mary---she has a God given talent---she should have been a writer---she keeps my sisters and me in STITCHES---she sends us emails that are so very funny--your day just melts away---this particular one was sent today--this after a huge storm hit the southern half of MN Tues and Wed and Northern MN usually gets the brunt of all storms that pass on this a way! So here it is---this poking fun at my sister in New Ulm----and Chicago---and of course me in Minneapolis----Mary lives in Hibbing (northern MN)
Hey Girlie Whirls, Just checking in to see how my more southern relatives are dealing with the blizzard that has struck every other portion of the country except for the Iron Range. Oh ya, me and Jack Frost, we're through. He breezes through the area,doesn't say hello or let anybody know he is in town and then leaves old manwinter here to do his bidding. Well, enough is enough.I am tired of watching little children on the news, blissfully playing,making snow angels in 3 inches of melting muddy snow, home because school has been cancelled because their parents are too stupid to drive on the roadways when flakes fall from the sky. Tired of watching the Weather Channel's Mike Siddell dressed from head tofoot in Carhart's, hiding his face from a treacherous -5 degree poundingwind and expecting worse conditions--"windchill temperatures may dip below-10 degrees, so this is a dangerous storm"---HA.Tired watching the news clips involving difficult travel. So help me God if I see another Toyota, spinning out of control on glare ice, I am going to slap someone. New Rule-if you can't skate, you CAN'T DRIVE. Tired of living in the only place where when the sun comes out, it gets COLDER. So, Jack, me and you are done. I will no longer longingly look out at the northern sky and pray to see you. I will no longer google the national weather service to keep track of where you are, hoping, praying that you will come my way. And I will no longer give my heart to someone who has given my beloved snow to those who do not know how to appreciate it. sigh.I remain resigned, Respectfully, Your Sister Mary
Monday, December 7, 2009
My Girlie Whirls and Christmas Cheer!!
Every year at this time me and my volleyball girls have a get together and exchange gifts and laughs at our husbands expense--this year was no exception to the rule---however we are missing several peeps due to hectic schedules, we had a great time---and on top of it all---we got to watch our beloved Vikings get their who-ha's handed to them by Arizona after the fun and frolic---dammit---good thing I was having more 'Christmas Spirit' or I would have been very upset about their miserable attempt at football---oh well! Here's to hoping you and yours have many great moments together this holiday season---remember--it's not about the gifts and presents---nope---it's always all about the perfect martini---noooo that's not right---it's about spending quality time with those that you love and sharing all the goodness that life has to offer---no matter how bad things really are in the real world around ya! Love you all and Merry Merry Christmas! Oh---that's me in the middle---Joe HATES that shirt--not very festive is why I think--yaaaaa right tee hee!
Sunday, November 15, 2009
A Dickens Christmas
Well well well---I bet you all thought I was kiddin when I said I actually had some stuff to list---well I do and I did and it is---listed---yea----however---and there is always a however with Renee these days---the pictures are horrible---so--I will be retaking them tomorrow in the good light of the day---we got back too late from the lake tonite for me to take very good pictures---well that and the fact that my beloved Big Bad Vikings played at noon---lets just say that got me a bit tangled up and off task----between that and the Bloody Mary I may have lost track of what it was that I was supposed to be doing!!! Thanks so much for stopping by---hope you enjoy all of the listings that are up through WSOAPP---what a wonderful time of the year!!!
My Listings on Ebay
Saturday, November 14, 2009
WSOAPP A Dickens Christmas Launch on Ebay!

The time has come for a HUGE group launch and this will be in GRAND style. November 15th is the day so set your calendars to take a stroll through the WSOAPP Groups sites to check out the fantastic give aways and listings from all of the wonderful artists associated with this group----AND what a great time to start or continue on with some holiday shopping---oh who can resist! This years theme is a Dickens Christmas and it promises to be a HOOT! I will be listing a couple of items that I am very proud of---'Spirit of Christmas Past' and a Red Wool Santa that I hand dyed the wool to a pretty Christmas RED and a Christmas Stocking that is really very cool and different---So do stop by and say HOWDY!!! Seasons Grettings to you and yours!
Saturday, November 7, 2009
WSOAPP Market Square Offerin for Nov. 7th
What a beautiful Fall day in Minnesota it is today----November and it is supposed to get to 65 degrees---unreal! Joe is up north hunting with the fellas and won't be home until Tuesday--so we know what THAT means---shop til ya drop at all of the deer hunters widows craft shows---then of course wrap up the day with some crafting of my own----I can not even begin to tell you just how much I enjoy when he is gone for a time---love him like I do--it is nice to be on my own program---and sometimes I really believe he thinks I couldn't make it a day without him here directing traffic in and out of this house---ohhhhh yaaaaa---I am doin JUST fine---LOL
Well here is my little offerin for the month of November---Elijah Snowsnicker---and he is adorable----his nose is actually a real dried carrot that I got from my dear friend Sue of Oodlekadoodle Prims--here is her link---do check out her stuff--she has some great great things!
Well here is my little offerin for the month of November---Elijah Snowsnicker---and he is adorable----his nose is actually a real dried carrot that I got from my dear friend Sue of Oodlekadoodle Prims--here is her link---do check out her stuff--she has some great great things!
Thursday, September 24, 2009
LISTED on Etsy Now!!!!
I just listed these guys last night---you will find these along with my soap that I have listed---Remember SALE on Soap til the end of October--read 2 posts down for more details!!!
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
Fresh Out of the Shoot---New on Ebay!!
Moving right along---here are some of my new listings on EBay----I had a HUGE show last weekend north of us in Little Falls---to which I lost alot of my hair due to stress---and I have no finger nails left---YIKES---glad it is over--I know that sounds terrible (Mr. followed me on the bike and it rained almost all the way up there---who knew that watching the weather channel BEFORE we left was gonna be a great idea---dummy butts)---anyways---it went well--we did about the same amount as last year---which I was happy with---there are people that still enjoy shopping for things--which I was also happy about---I wish I was one of them---yup---LOL---with the exception of the rain on Friday---the weekend was perfect weather---dropped a very large board on my toe and wouldn't ya know it HAD to be the side with the NAIL sticking out of it---said a naughty word in front of a customer---which made her laugh and me cry----weekend in 30 seconds or less---voila!
I have Listed My Soap for Fall & Winter!!! SALE!!!!
Howdy--- I have listed my Fall and Winter Soaps---the scents are wonderful and there are a bunch of new ones---be sure to check them out---on Etsy---link is on the right (I am kind of being lazy tonite)! Oh and for all of my wonderful customers that stop by and check my updates on here---I am offering a sale on my soaps that will run until the end of October----buy 5 bars for $25.00-----here's how ya do it----go into etsy and check the scents----email me and tell me which ones you would like---and I will invoice you----don't buy them off of there as I can't change the invoice that it sends you---and it saves me some time!!!! Moochoo Graciousiousious!!!
Monday, August 3, 2009
Went for a Weekend Scoot!

Howdy all you blogger friends----here is a picture from my latest adventure---we went home this weekend--partly to see my family and partly to look in on our lake place that we are having some structural issues with currently----and to some that don't know where 'home' is for me---Northern Minnesota---Joe and me and the kidlets live in Minneapolis and my childhood 'home' where the rest of my family lives is 3.5 hours north of us. On a bike it seems like alot longer---and it is----I am hoping to be able to walk and talk in full sentences some time today!---that would be nice---as you can see by the background we did get caught in the rain---and that picture was taken on the fly by Joes brother and his wife who we met up with on the way up there---taken from and I-Phone while doin 65mph--skin flappin in the wind-----technology totally blows my mind! and however, there is not a whole lot of editing one can do to get that 'skin flappin' under control--LOL---You all take care and thanks for poppin in on me----Dad is doing alot better every day and the cabin---well--let's not even go there---it is falling off of the footings and is going to be quite the project to get it back up where it belongs---it is 7 years old and is a split log place on the lake---breaks my heart to see it in such distress----story of my life though for some odd reason recently---absolutely! Oh--and my hair---it is like one big DREADLOCK--there is not enough conditioner in this town to get that tangled mess taken care of!
Monday, July 13, 2009
My Early Works July 15th Offerin'
Shine on, Shine on Harvest MOON---I really do like that song for some odd reason! Anywhooo---thanks y'all for stoppin by my blog and checkin in on me---I appreciate that a whole BUNCH!!! Life is starting to simmer down a bit---Dad wound up back in the hospital with some heart issues about a week ago and that shot that theory in the butt for a couple of days----glad to report he is home as of yesterday and is doing better now--fingers crossed anyways----So without further ado----Say hey to Harvey---The Harvest Moon Box and he is listed in My Early Works Offerins'---Please stop by and check out all of the wonderful artists offerings for this month!
Monday, July 6, 2009
WSOAPP Market Square Offerin for July 7th
Oh MAN---yup yup yup----once again I have managed to be away WAY too long and I gots people wonderin'---what the HECK???---Anywhoo---I hope all is well with all of my people and that your summer is filled with family outtings and building great memories---it allll sounds so good on paper!!! LOL---So without further ADO--here's mee offerins'!
Thursday, June 11, 2009
There is NO Stopping This Train!
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
My 15th of the Month Early Work Offerin'
Howdy people----yup---I am a bit behind---for any of you who have been looking for me---well---I am here---in spirit actually for now---Super Mo 'specially---I am here darlin---just not here!!!----I have recently gotten a new job and it is taking me some time to get used to a routine---there never seems to be enough time in a day usually for me----then I go and add this into the equation----will someone please tell me what I was thinkin'?---LOL
Moving right along---here is my Early Work Mercantile Offerin' for the 15th----Countess Elleana Evilmeir----and she is a HOOT!!! Please stop in and see all the fine offerings from this group for the month---
Here's the link!
Early Works Mercantile
Thursday, May 7, 2009
WSOAPP Market Square Offerin' For May!
Doooooooooo----she's a Paper Clay Doll and I had a blast makin her---she is about 16" tall and is listed on WSOAPP right this very darn second----Here's the link that will take ya there---be sure to check out everyones May work--it is FABULOUS--there are some new wonderful artists that just joined the ranks too---I am sure you will be impressed!
Click HERE and POOF you are THERE!
Oh---and you's guys---thanks for stopping by my blog----I sure do appreciate that!
Thursday, April 30, 2009
Grand OPENING Early Work Mercantile May 1st!

Tuesday, April 28, 2009
A Peek at My HARTS Offerins for May 1st
Chicken Chicken Chicken---who's got the chicken??? Well I do----and a rooster or two as well---here is a schaneeker at my crazy chickens!
The Humble Arts
Humble Arts Wing Ding Chicken Fling Giveaway!

Oh BOY----it's eggsactly what you may expect---a giveaway to start out our May Offerins. Here's what cha gotta do to get entered----and if ya go to the Humble Arts site--you can take a peek at the offerins for the giveaway---and there is some good stuff inthere---whoooo---eeee!
1. Recieve 1 entry for advertising our Wing Ding Chicken Fling on your blog and linking it to our site. Leave me a comment to let me know that you have done that. Here is the link to grab a banner and the link. Click Here For The Link To Humble Arts
2. I have a hidden chicken feather somewhere's in my blog here---find it and email me to let me know where it is---THEN head on over to the other gals that are participating from HARTS and look for the feathers hidden in their blogs and do the same with that darn deal.
3. Look at the Humble Arts site on MAY 1st---there are some feathers hidden all over in there for more chances to win----oh the possibilities are ENDLESS---now get scramblin my friends~
The 'Right of Spring' ~~~~Prom
Thursday, April 9, 2009
From Rags to Riches
Monday, April 6, 2009
My WSOAPP Market Offerins'
Well I suppose by now you' all have recognized that I am still behind on my bloggin---shame shame shame Renee Marie! (there I scolded myself---thank GOD I don't have a stick in mee hand too!) Here are my listings for Aprils WSOAPP Shoppe---I made these two mousies from muslin that I stained with walnut stain---I am lovin the way that they turned out and they are sitting inside of some cute items---naughty little mice---a Pink polka dotted coffee cup and saucer and a vintage sterling silver tea pot server----yup----so you may just need to head on over there and take a stroll down the WSOAPP Market Street to check out the wonderful offerins from this group!
My April HARTS Offerins'
YUMMY lookin Bunnies---but they are NOT chocolate---wish they were though---LOL. These two gals were made from Paper Mache over cloth. I LOVE the tone of their dresses with that brown and light pink----they are free standing and even have a little tail too! So head on over to the Humble Arts and see all the wonderful offerins from this fantabulous group of artists!
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
What Cha Been Doin'???
Oh I'll show ya's---I made some Bunny Rabbers---I made 4 of them---however the other two aren't going to be unveiled until my listings go up---but here are the first two and they will be listed on Ebay-----Big girl is made from Paper Mache and has a cotton eyelet dress and pantaloons with a TON of detail and she is holding a book that is the epitamy of cute--it is an antique garden book and dates 1853---it refers to flowers in their genus names and then it attaches poetry to those names---little bunny girl is called 'Blissful Blessings' and she is hand needle felted wool sheeps hair----she is holding a wool egg that is needle felted with pink polka dots----yup---it is the time of year that the Rabbits get a nod!
Saturday, March 14, 2009
Listings Listings Listings!!!!
Hey guys---I am just writing a quick note to let you know that I have some new listings on Ebay and Etsy---here are some bears that will be going on this Sunday on Ebay---the other items are on the side bars of my blog--- if you care to take a peek!---I am currently working on some chocolate and wool sachets and some bunnies and some raggedy annie angels---soon to be arriving this next week----I will be sending outr a new newsletter chuck full of all of my new items and also I am currently working on promotion that I am personally running through this blog and my newsletter---so do keep an eye out for that! If you would like to be included in my newsletter---please contact me to get on the mailing list!!! Thanks so much for stopping by!
These sweet bears were made from a gorgeous chocolate brown mink and they have leather paws----the larger one has a growler inside of her!
Wednesday, March 11, 2009

WSOAPP Spring Fling on Ebay
Saturday, March 7, 2009
It's Market Street Time at WSOAPP
Well I took a stroll over there this morning---and the stuff that is listed is absolutely GORGEOUS---you may want to head on over there---grab a cup of coffee first though---holy cow!!! Here is one of the bowls I have listed---oh---and ya know---I am looking at the pictures that I just put on here today---and I seem to be stuck in the Polka Dots scene---WHAT do you suppose is up with that---I dunno!!!!
This is my Big Girl Bowl---it is thick wood and it is a great piece!
Here's My Jars!!!
Well---I finally got my stuff done for the shop and I am back to the blog scene---thought I would list some stuff today and catch up with some peeps and then maybe take a nap---much needed nap BTW!!!
These jars are fun to make----I will have them listed on Etsy this afternoon----as you can see by the pictures they are frosted---frosted with an acid cream called Armour Etch----first I got round stickers and placed them all over the jar---then I re-pressed them because they need to be ON THERE GOOD and no areas that aren't stuck or your 'circle' will be messed up. Follow the directions on the bottle--now when I tell ya it is acid cream---it is--and it eats the shiney surface of the glass---so it can be washed---after it is complete and it will always be frosted---forever--unlike a spray on frost---capeesh? Now--the cream is expensive and so I suggest that you bring your coupon with you to Michaels or JoAnnes---
The GORGEOUS tag that is on there was purchased from Mare at Oak Hollow Primitives---you really need to check out her stuff---she is an awesome artist and her work is comparable to none----here is her link to her Etsy Shop---be sure to check her out--you will NOT be disappointed!
Oak Hollow Primitives
Thursday, February 26, 2009
Felted Wool Spring Easter Egg!!!! Ah-HA!
Well---it seems I am stuck in wool---wool wool wool---ewe would be too if you lived in a winter mix of cold, snow and frozen bodies of water----I don't look for that situation---with the weather to change for me until like JUNE!---LOL---
Anywhooooo--Here is an Easter or Spring Egg that I made and that will be listed on Ebay in the coming days----it is big---not jet liner big---but big
Oh gosh you guys----I have to tell ya---a couple of things---first I will be having the BEST time EVER with my new wool that I just ordered up from one of theeeeee nicest wool gals EVER----my new friend Lois of Old Scotties---she has the PRETTIEST selection of wool---- as you can see by the picture of what I ordered---you really need to check her out---the colors---M-M-M-M-M--are spectacular and the customer service is wonderful----if you are in the market for wool---her prices are very reasonable and she ships quick as a WINK----Here is her link to her site----please check her out! Old Scotties Primitives
Then I was gonna tell ya that I have a couple of posts coming up---one is gonna be a tutorial on some jars that I am working on---that are way way cool----and my HARTS for March and my WSOAPP for March as well---keep an eye out!
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
HARTS Offerins for March!
Come one come all--it is getting to be that time once again---here are my offerins for the Humble Arts---I am so pleased to present them to you! The Bunny Bucket is chuck full of Spring Goodies--the Pin Keeps are felted wool---and the Prim Bunny is me getting back to mee roots---where it all began---please be sure to check out all of the wonderful listings that this group has to offer---I promise you won't be disappointed!
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
A Great New Website!

My dear friend Doreen from Vermont Harvest Folk Art has a new website---you just gotta check it out!!! She is so very talented and her art is Spectacular!! She has a flare for the days gone by and captures it excuisitely in every piece she creates---I am always amazed at what she comes up with---stop by and check it out!
Doreen of Vermont Harvest Folk Art
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
Yup---lots of sick people out there----I thought I would be able to DODGE some of them---but that did not happen and the inevitable ocurred. My apologies for being absent from my blog for a time---holy garbonzo beans was I ever sick----it appears out of no where---even though you and I BOTH know that you feel like you're gonna GET IT---and then you play this denial game for a couple of days---til it gets ya---right around the NECK and more so in the chest area---of course---take a bunch of different cold remedies---and anytime someone says to you---try this---oh this helped me---of course you do---and then that is where the trouble starts----worse than before---you see---I had a bit of trouble with drug interaction---you think it only happens to old people---nope---here to tell ya that I was messed up---with a capital 'M'---I am back now and feeling pretty darn sasssssssy today----paid my dues to the sickness Gods that be---and so I am hoping that I have a year or so before I get struck again---dang it! Thank you to my peeps that checked in on me---yikes---
Saturday, February 7, 2009
You Be the JUDGE!!!!
I often think men have NO CLUE when it comes to the balancing act that women do on a continuous basis----you all know what I am talking about---and this is in no way a 'bash' of Men---because I do have a few in my life--and honestly, love them like I do---they are still clueless-----However the facts are plainly starring me in the face DAILY---me---I roll with the day---something may mess with my plans---I go around it or I get my gear on and TACKLE it--head on---and sometimes without padding---yes---it's true----now yesterday I figured out that my tiny brain can only process so much information at a time--and when there is too much on my mind---disaster is looming-----yes--also true---so YESTERDAY I get UP and I am ready to face the day----I do what most people do in the mornings---scratch my head---pull up my jammy bottoms and somber down the seemingly LONG hallway to the coffee maker---I pour a cup---add my yummy creamer and somber back down the hallway---THEN I go in to the bathroom---that's where we keep our toothbrushes--weird heh?---true----and in the drawer--there are usually two tubes that are eerily similar on the OUTSIDE---but not so much on the INSIDE---one is Sensodyne toothpaste and the other is Monistat---say no more-----now the Sensodyne happened to take a walk downstairs because the basement dweller had ran out of her own toothpaste---leaving the other tube WIDE open for usage of the wrong 'area'----I am glad to report---that 1. I will no longer have to worry about ever getting a yeast infection in my mouth and My friend Karen said ---lovingly through her laughter--itchy teeth 2. If that were to have happened to my husband----well----back to the main theme here---he would have been clueless and he would have said---and I quote----'I really don't like that new toothpaste---please don't get that anymore---I like the minty kind----oh ABSOLUTELY he would-----ABSOLUTELY CLUELESS! Soooo did you notice how I diverted you to think this was about MEN??? Ya---who really is the Clueless one here---I mean REALLY!
Friday, February 6, 2009
It's WSOAPP Launch Time!!!!
It's WSOAPP Time and the two tall Angels and the Angel Box are my offerings for February---the red one is a 'Keeper of Hearts' Angel and the bunny one is a 'Keeper of Eggs' Angel---and the Angel Box with the Pink Lid--the dollie with the red polka dot dress comes with her little green box is going to Ebay on Sunday----I was crazy OBSESSED with paper mache--as you probably already can see---I am not very happy with my pictures---for some reason I was having issues today with the sun ducking in and out of the clouds---I like natural light and so I take all of my pictures outdoors---which at times can be very challenging in Minnesota in the Winter--apparently I wasn't up to the challenge today---oh well!
Sunday, February 1, 2009
It's a LAMP---outta an OLD Clarinet---
There are these days that I make these types of things that I just shake my head and say---violaaaaa---or more like ta-daaaaaaa----sometimes they just turn out awesome---and sometimes I say---dang and scrap the whole darn deal---I am happy to say ta-daaaaaaa!!!!
Here's my lamp---made from an early 1900's Elkhart of Indiana Silver Plated Cavalier Clarinet---the silver is tarnished and gives the piece a real antique feel---the lamp shade was made from old sheet music that I decoupaged onto the shade and added some trimmins' to---it really is quite stunning! I hope you agree---it is listed on Ebay now---
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
It's HARTS time and here are my Offerin's for Feb.
Howday-----and here is one of my Humble Arts February Offerins'---the Love Bunny is made from Cashmere wool and Angora that I felted and stitched and stuffed and and and---she was alot of fun to mess with---not quite sure I am into making bunnies---but this particular one captured my heart for some reason---she has glass eyes and EVERYTHING----I once knew a guy with a glass eye---different story---anywhoooo---then I made a heart door hanger and a heart make-do----Valentines day is right around the corner---I need to find a shoe box and get my tin foil in order to make my Valentines Greeting mailbox----'member when we did those in grade school???---it was the coolest thing EVER!!!---when Mom would let us use TIN FOIL for something other than wrapping a Rump Roast in----and that my dear friends only happened once a year----this coming from a mother who made us save the wrapping paper at Christmas---who does that kind of thing to their kids----My MOM---love her like I do---but I am a firm believer that is why I horde tin foil today---well that's what they tell me at my tin foil anonymous group anyways!---oh there are so many things---so many many things----
Thursday, January 22, 2009
I bet ya Thought 'When is She Makin' Boxes?'
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
A Great Day in History!

You will never hear about my political views on this blog---I grew up in a very political family---so in saying that---I am very moved by our Country right now and the FAITH and GREAT HOPE for Prosperity is set on the shoulders of our 44th President--that is being sworn in today---I am so very very proud to be an AMERICAN---God Bless this great Nation of ours and God Bless our new First Family!
Friday, January 16, 2009
Mitten Mitten--who's got the MITTEN?
Howday-----Mittens and Soap---what's the correlation you say??? Wellll~~~~ if you live in an area that Standard Dress Code is Warm Heavy Clothing due to Cold Wicked Weather (yup---Minne-snowta) and your skin gets dried out from all of that and then some---well that there would be my answer! I just made 10 new pairs of my 'I Love You Mittens' in all colors and sizes AND I have been putting a deal together for the Love Scrub----ALL of which are getting listed on Etsy tomorrow---too late tonite---I'm going to go out and have some supper with my Joe----Hope to see ya's tomorrow!!!!
Wednesday, January 14, 2009
Little Sister is a BIG WIMP!!

Just thought I would share an email I got from my sister Mary who lives in my hometown which is WAY North in Minnesota-----she is a fine writer and needs to be slapped around for not pursuing that career---seriously! She is a riot and you can JUST imagine what life is like when all 4 of us girls get together---OMG!!!! PS. One of my sisters lives in a sub of Chicago---and me in Minneapolis and another south of me in MN---Here's the email:
Greetings to you all,I am writing today, to issue a ration of crap to my "southern relatives"and to give you a dose of reality. This morning, I was watching theToday show while I got ready for work. I do so love Matt Lauer. Inthis morning's installment, the Weather Channel had sent famedmeteorologist Jim Cantori to the blustery streets of the Chicago. Hewinced as he suffered through the, and I quote, "brutal 14 degreeassault on Chicago". Umm, are you kidding me? Annnd, he added,tomorrow, it was anticipated that the temps may dip to 10 below zero!Again, are you kidding me? If it were that warm here, I would bewearing capri pants! If Jim Cantori and The Weather Channel wouldreally like to show his metal, send his butt here, or up toInternational Falls---I doubt his disposition would be so cheery.It is a balmy 25 begrees below zero. We are thankful, as this is a warmup from 32 below earlier this morning. I am not complaining, mind you.I am a Northerner, and I have learned to cope with winter's shortcomings. I am sending this letter to remind you all of a few things youmay have forgotten about, living in the moderate climates that you all do.
1. Kleenex is no longer a necessity. I find that going outsideremedies a runny nose instantaniously, as your nostrils freezetogether. Although, it does, however, make breathing a difficulty. Inthese economic times, the cost savings out-weigh the negative.
2. And finally, an answer to the burning question-Does leather freeze?Yes, yes it does. Makes me worry about the safety of cows, as the seatsin my Tahoe haven't been soft for a week.
3. I find that the rythmic banging of the "frozen flat spots" on mytires can be manipulated to go along with the beat of the music on theradio if you accelerate.
4. I rather enjoy dressing in layers. Although I look like theMichelin Man, in my head I am fantasizing about being an anstronaut forNASA.
5. Making those tasty Jello treats is now quick and easy, just hold thebowl out the back door to firm things up a bit.
6. My "pitching arm" is getting in great shape for summer activities.Although, truth be known, I am not so sure Cassidy (her Crazy Little Jack Russel) is liking beingTHROWN outside to do her business, but we all must do what we must do.And before I go, I will share one our favorite Seasonal/Regional DumbBlonde Jokes with you.
A blonde and her husband are listening to the radio one morning. Themeteorologist reports that they are expecting a snowstorm, with 9-12inches of accumulation. Yes, snow emergency procedures are in effect,please park your vehicle on the EVEN side of the street.Three days pass. Again, they are listening to radio, and themeteorologist reports that snow is expected for the region. Totalaccumulation of 10-13 inches of snow. Once again, snow emergencyprocedures are in effect, please park your vehicle on the ODD side ofthe street.The next morning, while listening to the radio, the meteorologistreports that more snow is expected. Snow emergency procedures are ineffect, please park you vehicle on ........the power goes out. Theblonde, in a panic, looks to her husband for support. "what are wesupposed to do," she cries, "what side of the street should I park thecar on tonight?" Her husband looks up and says, "I have an idea, whydon't you just leave it in the garage this time."And that is that!
Love you all lots! m.
Sunday, January 11, 2009
They're that GOOD!!!!
Okay----I just have to tell you guys that I made 4 new varieties of soap---in honor of the upcoming LOVE Holiday---OHHHH that St. Valentine would be berry berry proud of me----they are really quite yummy if I do say so myself ----and they are very new scents----to me anyways---Vanilla Vanilla (soft and True Vanilla, it is a Cybilla fragrance) Deep Rich Chocolate (Oh Mylanta, died and went to HEAVEN! Rich deep warm chocolate truffle scent) Chocolate Espresso (like a Sunday morning at your favorite coffee spot, breathe DEEP--- ABSOLUTELY!) Pink Peppermint (soft creamy dreamy pepperminty goodness)--CHECH 'EM OUT----I have them listed on Etsy---and in WSOAPP Market Square -----and if you were to buy some, mention that you read this post and I will offer them to you at a $1 off of each bar until Valentines Day-----but YOU have to mention the post and BEFORE you pay for your order---HAPPY VALENTINES DAY MY SWEET TARTS!!!! Always, Renee PS. Feel free to order them from here--simply email me with your request and I will invoice you--easy cheesy!
Friday, January 9, 2009
Ramblings of an IDIOT!

This is a story that MUST be told----
About 3 days ago I lost one of my diamond earrings---it just fell out somewhere in my journies of the day and I was devasted to say the least---REMEMBER THIS PART!
Last night about 2am I got up for one of my nightly trips to the bathroom---bladder the size of a grape----in the DARK I sat down to do my duty and low and behold my rear got all WET---WHAT??? YEP WET!---huh---I flipped the light switch on and discovered that I had sat in someones tinkle from a previous trip to the said bathroom--- (not naming names but I was pretty sure it was JOE!)---was I soooooo ticked---YES--YES I WAS---I looked at the toilet closely to make sure that that was what it was and that the ceiling was caving in and leaking--nope--no such luck for Joe---it was tinkle----AND in the bottom of the toilet I noticed something very peculiar---MY EARRING--just laying there in the bottom of the TOILET ---I could see it through the ---tinkle---'OH this is GREAT!!! JUST GREAT'---I turned my mad but sweet self around and smartly MARCHED into the bedroom where I FLICKED on the light----remember it is 2am-----welll---I probably don't need to tell you the response I got regarding that---and I said---YOU---YOU need to come in here (the bathroom) for a sec---he hops outta bed thinking I saw a rabid dog or something---FIRST I showed him my wet backside---which he thought was funny--me---not so much---then I told him to reach his hand down through that MESS and grab my earring before I FLUSH the toilet---then his smile turned to an OH CRAP look---he did it and I soaked my earring in bleach-----
Now I need to tell you that this is PAYBACK for the time about a month ago that I was working in the garage and I have a coffee can that I put mineral spirits in to clean myself of the stain that I get all over my hands and arms---I wipe it on with a cloth that I have nearby and then wipe the stain off---welllll some jack-dot dot dot dumped that out and used MY MINERAL SPIRITS CAN as a tinkle can because he was too lazy to walk into the house OR better yet tinkle outside---I wiped tinkle on me---OMG-----I was MORTIFIED----and honestly, I got it all over myself---thank GOD I didn't wipe my face, because there are times that I have had to------paybacks---what poetic justice! And you guys wonder why I am the way that I am ---uh ha!
Wednesday, January 7, 2009
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Why is Some Handmade Soap More Expensive Than Others?
This is my Mom and my Grandma----two people who are/were very influential in my soap making endeavor. I make soap the very similar to th...

In Honor of my new line of soaps and lotion I am having a BLOG party to kick it off!!! YEA---I am giving away 1--8oz bottle of my New Sweet ...
You can hear that over and over again and it just sits there in your brain---yea yea yea you think----I, personally have never SAT and count...